hace frio | 3/14/25
Welcome to make you think, a newsletter about being alive in the endtimes. If you just signed up, welcome! You can find previous editions of the newsletter right here. If you know someone who might like this, click that little forward button and pass it along!
it's so fucking cold. not like "la cold" – i mean actually cold. the real feel is 43º. it is basically the same temperature in los angeles right now as it is in providence, rhode island.

what the fuck
the climate is changing obviously but it continues to be terrible to live through. at least the sun is up later, i guess. barley is handling it surprisingly well – those east coast months must have made her a heartier creature.
earlier this week i watched this video from james may and richard hammond (two of the three former hosts of top gear/the grand tour) where they visited their old place of work. normally i would be loathe to recommend anyone watch two british men over the age of 55 do literally anything but there was actually something kind of beautiful about watching them go back to the place they worked to make legitimately great television for 12+ years. it's raw nostalgia – an inability to place hyper specifics but the ability to revel in the general feelings a place can conjure. i'm a firm believer in the idea that spaces hold as much energy as we do, and to watch two people become overwhelmed by that latent, leftover energy (that they themselves put into the space!) is pretty special.
the thumbnail betrays how good the video actually is but that's a conversation for another issue
oh, while i'm on it, if you want something that touches on that "we all load spaces with our cumulative life and energy" vibe i was talking about earlier, check out the book "here" by richard mcguire. you probably can go get it from the library. what if you went to the library this weekend?
friday night fuser will happen tomorrow (saturday, march 15) at 7:45ish. if you think about it, it's kind of like i'm providing you with a second friday. you're welcome.
on sunday i'm going to the first angel city game of the year! there's still tickets available on everyone's favorite website so if you're looking for something to do on sunday afternoon and are in los angeles, head down to bmo – you'll have a good time.
sorry this one's shorter than usual – busy week for me! should be back to regularly scheduled length next week (i'll be in san francisco for gdc!)
have a good weekend and best of luck to mclaren and williams!
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